To avoid prostate cancer, all men must definitely check these

To avoid prostate cancer, all men must definitely check these

To avoid prostate cancer, all men must definitely check these

Worldwide September is celebrated as 'Prostate Cancer Awareness Month'. In which the day of September 22 is celebrated as World CML Day. Its aim is to make people aware about the causes of prostate cancer and motivate people to make necessary changes in their lifestyle so that they can be protected from fatal prostate cancer and CML diseases for life. So let's go to detail about prostate cancer and the important things related to it.
To avoid prostate cancer, all men must definitely check these
To avoid prostate cancer, all men must definitely check these

What is prostate cancer

Prostate cancer happens to men. Actually prostate is a gland and it makes fluid, which contains sperm. The prostate is located under the bladder, whose size is like walnuts. This cancer happens right there. According to the World Health Organization report, prostate cancer has increased rapidly in men of Asian origin, including India, in the last two decades. Men over 55 years of age have a higher risk of prostate cancer. If you find out about this cancer in the early stages, then surely can be corrected.

Which men have the risk of prostate cancer?

1. Men over age 55

2. There is no history of prostate cancer in the family

3. Black men are more at risk

4. Men who consume too much of red meat, ghee or milk etc.

5. Men with too much intoxication

Symptoms of prostate cancer

1. Repeated urination, especially at night

2. Problems in urinating

3. Being paused or weak in urine flows

4. Pain and irritation while piss

5. There is no hardness in sex during infection

6. Blood or seizure in the urine.

6. Chronic pain in the hip, thigh bones and back

Testing and then treatment

1. The doctor can test prostate specific antigen (PSA) for screening prostate cancer. This is a chemical in the body, which increases the chance of prostate cancer. A biopsy test is done to detect prostate cancer. By biopsy, it can be ascertained how fast prostate cancer is spreading in the body. Doctors recommend biopsy only on the basis of PSA and rectal test. CT scan and bone scan can also be done to know whether it is not affecting other parts of the body.

2. When diagnosed with prostate cancer, its full treatment is possible. During treatment, the levels of testosterone are reduced by the body for which surgery, chemography or hormonal therapy are used. Many times it has to be prevented with radiation therapy and medicines even after surgery. After this, every three months of the PSA blood test and other tests are examined for its condition.

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