What is Computer and How Does It Work?

What is Computer and How Does It Work?

What is Computer and Computer Types,both of these questions are very simple that comes in everyone's mind. The answer to this question may be already known to all of you. You must have wondered why today again why this topic is about which we know everything from before. You may know some things from what you want to say today, but I have the intention that you should be given full information about the computer and not half of it incomplete.
What is Computer and How Does It Work?
What is Computer and How Does It Work?
I know that you know the definition of a computer but do you know how it works, who made it earlier, through which rope it has passed. Today the result of hard work of many scientists is behind the computer we are using. In today you want to give people full information about this device by telling people about this computer, what is its main part and how it works. Then what is the delay of what the computer starts to do is what happens to the computer.

What is computer.

Computer is an electronic device that has been designed to work with information. These words are derived from the word 'computare' of the computer Latin which means Calculation or Programmable Machine Its main motive is to do three things like taking the first data which we also call Input, the second task is to process that data and the task is to show the processed data that is also called Output.
The father of the computer is called Charles Babbage. That's because they first designed the mechanical computer, which is also known as Analytical Engine. In this, the data was inserted with the help of Punch Card.
So we can call the computer an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user at the end of the input, then processes that data through the set of instruction and finally the result is published as output Does. It processes both numerical and non numerical calculation (arithmetic and logical).

history of computer.

This can not be accurately proven since the beginning of the computer was started. But officially the development of computers has been classified according to generation. These are divided into 5 parts by the main goal.

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes.

The first generation computers used vaccum tubes to use circuitry and Magnetic Drum for memory. They used to be quite large in size There was a lot of power in running them. Due to being too large, there was also a lot of heat problem in which it was also malfunction many times. They used Machine Language. For example UNIVAC and ENIAC computers

Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors.

In this generation computers, transistors replaced vaccum tubes. Transistor used to take very little space, was small, was faster, cheap and more energy efficient. They used to produce less heat than the first generation computers, but still there was a problem of heat in it. These included high level programming language such as COBOL and FORTRAN.

Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits.

The Integrated Circuit was used for the first time in this generation's computer. In which the transistors were inserted into small silicon chips, which is called Semi Conductor. It has benefited from the fact that the process of processing the computer has increased a lot. For the first time, the makers, keyboards and operating systems were used to make computersof this generation more user friendly. It was launched for the first time in the market.

Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors

The specialty of this generation is that its Microprocessorwas used, with thousands integrated Integrated Circuit embedded in the same silicon chip. The use of the microprocessor also increased the efficiency of the computer. He was able to do great calculations in a very big way.

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

This generation is of today's dome, where Artificial Intelligence has established its power. Now many new technologies like Vocal Recognition, Parallel Processing, Quantum Calculation have started coming in. This is a generation where the computer has got artificial intelligence due to its own self-determination. Gradually all its work will be automated.

Computer of father

Who is the father of modern computer? Many such people have contributed to this computing field.
But all of these contributions have been contributed by Charles Babage. Because he was the first to get analytical engine in 1837. In this engine, the concept of ALU, Baisc Flow control and Integrated Memory was introduced. Today's computer was designed by base only on this model. That's why they contributed the most. Then he is also known as the father of computer.

Computer Basic Components

There are many components of any modern digital computer, but some of them are very important such as Input Device, Output Device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Mass Storage Device and Memory.

Four Functions about computer are:

accepts dataInput
processes dataProcessing
produces outputOutput
stores resultsStorage

How Computer Works

Input (Data): Input is the step in which raw information is inserted into the computer by using Input Device. This can be a letter, picture or any video.

Process: Processed data during process is processed according to instruction. This is completely internal process.

Output: The data that has already been processed during the output is shown in the end of the result. And if we want to save this result then keep it in memory, for the use of Future.

Inside a Computer

If you have ever seen within a computer case, you must have found that there are small small components inside, they look very complicated, but they are not so complicated in reality. Now you will give people some information about these components.


The main circuit board of any computer is called the motherboard. It looks like a thin plate but it is holding many things like CPU, Memory, Connectors for hard drive and Optical Drive, to control the expansion card Video and Audio, as well as all of the computers Ports to connection If seen, the motherboard is directly or in directly connected with all parts of the computer.

CPU / Processor

The Central Processing Unit is also called Processor. This computer is found in the motherboard inside the case. It is also called the brain of the computer. This is keeping an eye on all the activities within a computer. The more processor the speed will be, the faster it will be processed.


We also know RAM as Random Acess Memory. This is the system's short term memory. Whenever a computer performs some calculations, it temporarily saves that result in RAM. This data is also lost if the computerstops. If we are writing a document, we should save our data in the middle of the interrupt to avoid being destroyed. If saving is saved in Data Hard Drive, then it can stay for a long time.

RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The more RAM is, the better it is for us.

Hard Drive

Hard Drive is the component where software, documents and other files are saved. The data remains in store for a long time.

Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit is used to take power from Main Power Supply and supply it in other components as per the requirement. .

Expansion Card

All the computers have Expansion Slots so that we can add an Expansion Card to Future. They are also called PCI (Peripheral Components Interconnect) card. But in today's Motherboard there are many Slots already built in. Some Expansion Card names that we can use to update old computers.
  • Video Card
  • Sound card
  • Network Card
  • Bluetooth Card (Adapter)

Hardware and Software in the Computer

We call Computer Hardware a physical device that we use on our computer, that is, Computer Software means a collection of code that we install in our machine's hard drive to run the hardware. For example, computer monitors that we use to fall, the mouse which we use to navigate, all these are Computer Hardware. That's where we visit the website, and the operating system in which it runs the Internet Browser. Such things are called software.

We can say that there is a computer software and hardwareconsolidation, both have the same roles, both can work together.

Types of Computer.

Whenever we hear the use of the word computer, then we just have a picture of personal computer. Let me tell you that there are many types of computers. Various Shapes and Size come in. According to the requirement we use them like ATM to withdraw money, Scanner to scan any Barcode, Calculator to make a large calculation. These are all different types of computers.


Many people use desktop computers for their homes, schools and for their personal work. They are designed in such a way that we can keep them on our desk. They have lots of parts like Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Computer Case.


You will know about the Laptop, which is Battery Powered, they are very portable so that they can be taken anywhere and at anytime.


Now talk about Tablet, which we call handheld computers,because it can be easily caught in the hands. There is no keyboard and mouse, just a touch sensitive screen which is used for typing and navigation. Example- i Pad


A server is something like this which we use to exchange information. Whenever we search for anything on the Internet, all things are stored in the server itself.

What is Uses of Computer

If we are seen, we have been using computers all the time in our lives and will continue to do so. This has become part of our body. I have written some of its usage below for your information.

Education: They have the biggest hand in education, if a student wants information about something, then this information becomes available in a few minutes with the help of this. Research has shown that with the help of computer, any student's learning performance has increased significantly. Nowadays sitting at home can be studied with the help of Online Classes.

Health and Medicine: This is a boon for health and medicine. With this help, patients are treated very easily nowadays. Nowadays all things have become digital, which are easily known about the disease and accordingly it is also possible to treat them. This has made operations easier.

Science: This is only the science of science. With this, research is very easy. Nowadays there is a new trend that is also called collaboratory, so that all the scientists of the world can work together, it does not matter whether you are in the country with an angle.

Business: Its huge hand in business is to increase productivity and competitiveness. It is used mainly by Marketing, Retailing, Banking, Stock Trading. Due to everything being digital here, its processing has become very fast. And nowadays cashless transactions are being given more importance.

Recreation and Entertainment: This has become a new place for entertainment, talk about anything about movies, sports or resturants, talk about anywhere, they are used everywhere.

Government: Nowadays, the government is also focusing more on their usage. If we talk Traffic, Tourism, Information & Broadcasting, Education, Aviation, all of us have used our work to make a lot of work.

Defense: Their use in the army has increased a lot. With the help of which our army has become more powerful now Because now all things are controlled with the help of a computer.

There are many places where we use it according to our needs.

Computer power

However, there is considerable technological change in the day-to-day computer. It is becoming more affordable and with more performance and more capacity every day. As the need for people increases, there will be more changes in this. At first it was from the house of a house, now it is being held in our hands. There will be a time when it will be controlled by our mind. Nowadays scientists are doing more research on Optical computer, DNA Computer, Neural Computer and Quantum Computer. Along with this Artificial Intelligence is being given a lot of attention so that the self can do its work smoothly.

I sincerely hope that I give you complete information about what the computer is in Hindi and the type of computer and hope you guys have come to understand about this computer Tecnology. my

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